Turn Signals

Moving monogamous vehicles
Pass through these crossing streets
At 26th and Boston
Where homes and businesses meet
Every now and then
A driver passes my ear
Blaring their musical treats
Without the slightest fear
Little capsules of time and progress
Usually 2 doors or 4
Moving on their merry way
To some acquaintance's door
And as I look up to match the sound
I think of this time that I'm in
And how appropriate it is for me
To hear these songs they send
Frat daddies with big ridiculous trucks
Baby boomers with consumers' delight
Shiny new sports cars that ease on the road
Those late eighties models have become off white
I sip my coffee and bide my time
And watch the passing fare
And listen to life in all its delight
As the breeze moves through my stiff hair

September 16, 1999
